

The resolve subcommand resolves mapping tree and prints it to the standard output. It takes only single positional argument, namely the tree file to resolve. The resolve subcommand is useful for debugging and in initial design phases to quickly check what is connected with what.

Listing 7 Example resolve subcommand call.
python resolve path/to/your/tree_file.yml
Listing 8 Example resolve subcommand output.
{'board_1': {'end_pin_4': {'pin': 'A4', 'terminal': None}},
'board_2_connector_1': {'end_pin_1': {'pin': 'A1', 'terminal': None},
                        'led_0': {'pin': 'C2'}},
'board_2_connector_2': {'end_diff_pin_n': {'pin': 'B12', 'terminal': None},
                        'end_diff_pin_p': {'pin': 'B13', 'terminal': None},
                        'end_pin_2': {'pin': 'A2', 'terminal': None},
                        'end_pin_3': {'pin': 'A3', 'terminal': None}}}


The graph subcommand renders the graph for tree file. It has been added to ease debugging of relatively long tree files. After exceeding a certain number of nodes in the tree file it becomes a bit hard to see how nodes relate with each other and what files constitute particular nodes. With graph it becomes trivial.

Listing 9 Example graph subcommand call.
python graph path/to/your/tree_file.yml

Fig. 2 shows an example output graph. Bold text within the node is the node name. Below the node name there is a list of files constituting given node.

Example graph output.

Fig. 2 Example output graph.


The assign subcommand is used for generating design constraint file. This is the core reason why the fp2p tool has been implemented.

Listing 10 Example assign subcommand call.
python assign tree.yaml assignment.yaml vivado
Listing 11 Example auto generated design constraint output.
# This file has been auto generated by the fp2p tool.
# Do not modify it by hand!
# Files used for generation:
#   Tree file: tree.yaml
#   Assignment file: assignment.yaml
# More information on the website

set_property PACKAGE_PIN A1 [get_ports {port[1]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports {port[1]}]
set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE [get_ports {port[1]}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN A2 [get_ports {port[2]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_33 [get_ports {port[2]}]
set_property DIFF_TERM FALSE [get_ports {port[2]}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN A3 [get_ports {port[3]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_33 [get_ports {port[3]}]
set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE [get_ports {port[3]}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN B12 [get_ports {diff_n}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_33 [get_ports {diff_n}]
set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE [get_ports {diff_n}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN B13 [get_ports {diff_p}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_33 [get_ports {diff_p}]
set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE [get_ports {diff_p}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN A4 [get_ports {port[4]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_33 [get_ports {port[4]}]
set_property DIFF_TERM TRUE [get_ports {port[4]}]